To demonstrate the advanced features of creating a modifier, be sure to review all of the lessons under the Modifier section on the Training and Setup page and video below.

As an additional learning resource, this article will cover usage of the Pole Pockets Modifier.

This article will cover the following topics: 

This article will not cover the Pricing Tier Tab, for more information, please refer to the Modifier Pricing Tiers article. 

Modifier Information

Here you can see the basic information for the Pole Pocket modifier. 

Highlighted Areas of the Modifier Information Tab:

  • (A) Modifier Categories:  Assigning a category for this modifier will make it appear under the selected categories in other areas of the system when selecting a modifier. It is highly encouraged to assign modifiers to appropriate categories for easy finding. In this example we've assigned Pole Pockets to Banners and Finishing. 
  • (B) Include Setup Fee:  In this example, we have included a $5 setup fee.
  • (C) Modifier Message:  Enables an internal note to be displayed anytime this modifier is used during order entry.
  • (D) Variable Rates:  In this example, we've included Pocket Size as a variable rate. Variable Rates allow multiple pricing options. The system will calculate the total retail and cost, based on the size of the pocket chosen during Order Entry.

Custom Properties 

Custom Properties allow you to create specific directions on how the modifier will be used. We created the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom properties and associated them to the value types, Part Height or Part Width. This allows a customer to designate where they want the Pole Pockets placed on a banner.

We chose the checkbox Input Type because it requires a Yes or No answer. We selected the Value Type of Part Height or Width to calculate the linear feet of the Pole Pocket.

Adding a New Custom Property:

  1. Let's add a Custom Property for Special Instructions. Click Add Custom Property

  2. Choose Checkbox, Textbox, or Dropdown for the Interface Item. In this case, we'll choose textbox, which will allow a person to type in the instructions. 

  3. Remember:  While creating a custom property, you can always click View Instructions for more information.

  4. Interface Items must be associated with a value to be used properly in the Modifier Formula. In this example, we'll choose Information Only.
        NOTE:  Information Only properties would not be added to the formula because they do not affect the Modifier price. They can still be selected during order entry to gather information.

  5. Enter a Property Label.
  6. Click Add Template Item.

  7. Special Instructions now appears on the list of custom properties.

Modifier Preview

Custom Properties will appear how you see them below, during order entry. Click Edit Layout to align these properties to your specifications.

This is Layout Mode. Here you can click and drag the Interface Items to place them where you'd like or change the size of the properties by clicking and dragging the corners.

NOTE:  Keep all properties within the gray box so they will appear during order entry.

Any changes to these properties are automatically saved each time you switch to Preview Mode by clicking Save Layout.

Modifier Formula

Each Modifier needs a Modifier Formula to calculate pricing. This is what the Pole Pocket Formula looks like when it's complete. Now we will review the properties and how the formula was set up.  

During order entry, a user can select the location properties—Left, Right, Top and/or Bottom—which indicate where the pole pocket will be located on the banner part.

    NOTE:  These location properties were linked to the part size on the custom properties tab.

Example:  If you have a 3'x 8' banner and check the Top and Bottom box, the formula will use the two 8' lengths to calculate the price of the Pole Pockets.

The Pocket Size component allows you to select different pocket sizes during order entry. Depending on what you select, the appropriate variable rate will be used in the formula.

In this example, we multiplied each group by the Total Quantity component. By doing this, the formula calculates the appropriate quantity sold.

Example:  If you sold four 3'x8' banners, the formula would calculate all Pole Pocket charges by four.

The default mathematical symbol between groups is the plus sign, which has been preselected. In this formula we have kept the plus sign between groups so the formula will add each side (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) that requires a pole pocket. If your equation requires a different symbol, simply click on the button you need.

Remember:  The Setup Fee component must also be added to the formula to have it calculate correctly. In this example, the plus sign was selected to indicate a one-time Setup Fee.

Click Save Formula when you're done. Your Modifier is now complete and ready to use in your system.