By creating events in the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM), you can save notes about every interaction with your contact so that anyone on your staff can stay up-to-date on past activities and future events.

  1. Navigate to the Sales Module > CRM then click on the plus sign next to a contact name where you will see their complete information and be able to create an event.
    NOTE:  You can quickly add an event by clicking on the calendar icon to the left of the contact’s name below.

  2. In the customer’s contact information section, click Add Event.


  3. Select the type of event you want to create.
  4. Click on the Event Date field to select the date and time for a past or future event.
  5. Add any Event Notes that you need and then click Create Event or Mark Complete to save and close the popup window.

    NOTE:  You cannot edit Event Notes, but you can add additional notes.


  6. You can review completed event details by clicking Event History.

  7. Click Active Events or hover over the CRM tab and click Events, to see a full list of open events for all contacts.


  8. You can filter your Events by selecting the event type you’re looking for or by Salesperson.


Once created, events cannot be edited. If an event was created incorrectly, you can add a note explaining the error, mark the event as Complete, and then create a new event with the correct information.