During order entry, if the Part you need can be run on a machine, a list of machines will appear for the user to select from. To control which machines are available for specific parts, a machine must first be associated with that part or part group.

NOTE:  You will need to have user access rights for the Management Module.

To change the available machines on a part or part group, navigate to the Management Module:

  1. Select Parts to view the list of parts in your system.

  2. Select the Part you want to associate a machine to.


  3. In the screen that opens up, select the Machines tab.

        NOTE:  If the part is in a Part Group, the changes you make will apply to the entire group, not just one part.
  4. Click the Associate Machines To This Part button.


  5. A modal will open up and you can select/un-select the machines you would like to associate with the part or part group.

  6. Click on Update and your selections will be saved.


During order entry, the machines you have associated will now be available to select.