Global Pricing Tiers provide the ability to manage the pricing of multiple parts and modifiers from one location. They need to be assigned to a part or a modifier before they affect any pricing.

Create a Global Pricing Tier

  1. Navigate to Management Module > Global Settings > Pricing Settings > Global Pricing Tiers.  
  2. Click Create New 

  3. A window will appear. Give your tier a name, and select if you want it to use Cost-Plus Pricing or Market-Based Pricing and click Create

  4. You'll now see your Pricing Settings grids (margin percentages for Cost-Plus — discount percentages for Market-Based).  Choose one Pricing Type.
    • If using Market-Based Pricing:

      • (A) Enter the Maximum Discount allowed for the part. Click Save & Recalculate to auto populate the Discount Chart Table
        • The Maximum Discount populates to the highest Quantity Break and Customer Tier
        • 0 will populate in the lowest Quantity Break and Customer Tier
      • (B) Click Use Interpolation to allow a range of discount percentage between Quantity Breaks. 
        • For example:  Using the chart below, at a quantity break of 75 a customer tier of 1
          • Without Interpolation, the customer will receive a discount of 7.5%. 75 is above 50 but lower than 100, so it will receive the discount assigned to the quantity break at 50 
          • With Interpolation, the customer will receive a discount of approximately 8.125%. 75 is halfway between 50 and 100, so it will receive the discount value between 7.5% and 8.75%.
      • (C) To use Custom Discounts replace percentage amounts in the grids with your custom percentages. Click Save Custom Discounts


    • If using Cost-Plus Pricing:
      • (A) Enter the Minimum Margin and Maximum Margin desired for the part. Click Save & Recalculate to auto populate the Margin Chart Table.  
        • The Minimum margin will populate to the highest Quantity Break and Customer Tier
        • The Desired Margin will populate to the lowest Quantity Break and Customer Tier   
      • (B) Click Use Interpolation to allow a range of margin between Quantity Breaks. 
        • For example:  Using the chart below, at a quantity break of 75 and a customer tier of 1
          • Without Interpolation, the margin will be 64%. 75 is above 50 but lower than 100, so it will receive the margin assigned to the quantity break at 50 
          • With Interpolation, the margin will be 63%. 75 is halfway between 50 and 100, so it will receive the margin value between 64% and 62%
      • (C)To use Custom Margins replace percentage amounts in the grids with your custom percentages. Click Save Custom Margins


  5. Click Save Settings

Using Global Pricing Tiers 

A Global Pricing Tier can be used on multiple parts, part groups, and/or modifiers. On the desired part or modifier, you will select the option to use global pricing tier and select the desired option from the drop-down under the Pricing Tiers tab.


When using with Parts

  1. Navigate to Management Module > Parts > Manage Parts 
  2. Click on the Pricing Tiers Tab 
  3. Select Global Tier Pricing 
  4. Select the Global Pricing Tier from the dropdown menu
  5. Click Save Tier Selection 


When using with Modifiers

  1. Navigate to Management Module > Modifiers > Manage Modifiers
  2. Choose an existing modifier from the list 
  3. Under Modifier Rate, select Global Tier Pricing

  4. This will automatically direct you the Pricing Tier Tab       

  5. Select the Global Tier from the dropdown menu

  6. Click Save Tier Selection