A store is an Ecommerce website containing a catalog populated with collections and products. These Store can be general for all customers or dedicated to one customer. Your subscription package determines the number of stores you can have.

Adding a new store:

  1. Navigate to the Admin panel > My Stores
  2. Click +
  3. Enter the Store Name. This will be the internal name for the Store
  4. Enter the Brand Name. This will be the name displayed to the customer
  5. Enter the Store Tagline.  This is optional and will show on the store if used.
  6. Choose the designated Store Catalog from the dropdown menu
  7. Choose your Security for the store 
    • Require User Login:  If checked, will require users to log in before they can view products on your site

    • Enable Public Customer Sign-up:  If unchecked, new user accounts must be created by an administrator

  8. Enter the contact information for your store 
  9. Click Save

  10. Your new Store will appear on the My Stores list
  11. Click on the Store name to set the style, display, and other settings. For more information, please visit Customizing Stores.