The order view page includes product details, order details, and order history. To access the order view page navigate to Orders.

Key areas of the Order View Page: 

  • (A) Products tab 
    1. Click on the arrow next to each product to view details relating to each specific product. Or click on the plus sign here to Toggle all details for all products.
    2. Update a single product's due dates, sub-statuses, or designer as needed
    3. Select a new product status for this product. The Product status will update automatically as the product progresses through the workflow.
    4. To edit multiple products at once, click Update all Products.
    5. Click Print Work Order to review a print-ready work order.
    6. To Review any product notes, click Product Notes.

  • (B)  View Order Details
    1. Click View Order Details.

    2. A new window will appear. View the cost and margin details of this order.
    3. Click the plus sign to expand the item details.

  • (C) Order History Tab will show you details about the order including, when and by whom the order was created, and each event as the order moves through the system.