Customers often send a payment for multiple jobs. CoreBridge allows you to enter a single payment for multiple invoices, and create an in-store credit when a customer sends an overpayment.
Entering Multi-payment and Overpayments:
- Navigate to Sales Module > Customers > Payments.
- Enter the customer name, and select from the dropdown menu, or click on the magnifying glass to search for the customer.
- A list of orders with open payments will populate.
- Enter a payment amount.
- Check the boxes on the left for the invoices that you want to include in your payment.
- If the customer isn't paying the full amount due on the invoice, you can edit the amount.
- The total Payment Amount for all selected invoices will be shown here.
- Overpayments are flagged in red at the bottom of the page. If an overpayment is made, in-store credit will be issued.
- Click Select Payment Method.
- Select the Payment Type.
- Fill out the relevant fields and click Submit Payment.
Note: CoreBridge is not able to process over-payments when using the online credit card option. If you are receiving an overpayment from your customer and need to use the online credit card option as a form of payment, you will need to apply the full amount to an invoice first. You can then process a refund to an in-store credit after the online credit card payment has batched.
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