The Design Module allows you to review all the products that are in the various stages of the design process, allowing designers to stay focused on their design tasks.

Statuses in the Queue:

The Design Review Queue contains products that the designer needs to review.

  • (A) WIP: Design Review:  Orders that have been sent to the Design Queue for review.

The Design Estimate Queue contains products in estimate status.

  • (B) Estimate : Design Needed:  The product is an estimate and needs a proof created before an estimate can be approved by the customer.
  • (C) Estimate : Revision:  The designer needs to make changes to the estimate so it can be approved.

The Design WIP Queue contains products that require design work and those ready to be moved into production.

  • (D) WIP : In Design:  Products in the design phase.
  • (E) WIP : In Design Revision:  Products that need to have changes made to the product proof.
  • (F) WIP : Proof Approved:  The design has been approved and the product can be manually moved into production by changing the status.

The Awaiting ApprovaQueue lists products that need customer design approval. 

  • (G) WIP : Awaiting Proof Approval:  The customer needs to approve the proof before the product can move forward.

The Upcoming Queue shows designers a preview of what products await them in their workflow.

  • (H) WIP : Order Review:  Products are automatically given this status when they enter the WIP phase but must be manually updated to move forward in the workflow.

  • (I) WIP : Sales Review:  These are items that the salesperson needs to review.
  • (J) WIP : Awaiting Customer Action:  The customer needs to approve something or provide further information.