The Production Module allows users to focus on products that are in various stages of the production process. Queues list products that are ready for physical production.

Statuses in the Queue:

The Work In Progress (WIP) Queue in the Production Module lists products that are ready for physical production.

  • (A) WIP: In Production:  Products with this status appear in this queue until they have been produced and moved to the next queue in the workflow.

The Vended queue is where you will find items that are not being produced in your center.

  • (B) WIP: Vended Products:  Includes any subcontracted or outsourced product.

The Quality Control Queue shows items that have been produced but have not been reviewed.

  • (C) WIP: Quality Control:  Products in this status need to have a quality check completed before the customer receives them.

The Installation Queue shows jobs which are completed and need to be installed for the customer.

  • (D) Built: Awaiting Installation:  Finished products that your center is coordinating to be installed.

Delivery queue shows products which are built and awaiting delivery to the customer.

  • (E) Built: Awaiting Delivery:  Finished products that your center will deliver in-house or via courier.

The Shipping Queue shows products which are Built and needing to be shipped.

  • (F) Built: Awaiting Shipping:  Finished products that need to be shipped via USPS, UPS, FexEx, etc.

The Awaiting Pickup Queue shows products which are built and awaiting pick up from the customer.

  • (G) Built: Awaiting Customer Pickup:  Includes finished products the customer will pick up at your center.

The Upcoming Queue shows the production team a preview of what products await them in their workflow.

  • (H) All Design related statuses.
  • (I) WIP: Order Review:  Products are automatically given this status when they enter the WIP phase but must be manually updated to move forward in the workflow.
  • (J) WIP: Sales Review:  These are items that the salesperson needs to review.