
This article covers the steps to provide CoreBridge with the necessary data to map your customer types, customer origination and customer industries. 

IMPORTANT: without this file during your Customer Import, your customers will default to the house/default information. 

Create the Mapping File for the Import into CoreBridge

  1. Download the attached file called "Industry-Origins Migration - Sample.xlsx."
  2. On the first tab, fill out the information for your industries. 

                a. Column A enter in all of the Industries found in Cyrious

                    IMPORTANT NOTE: these should be an EXACT match of how you see them in Cyrious. 

                b. Column B enter in all of the Industries found in CoreBridge next to the correlating match in Cyrious

                    IMPORTANT NOTE: these should be an EXACT match of how you see them in CoreBridge. 

        3. On the second tab, fill out the information for your Customer Types

                a. Column A enter in all of the Customer Types found in Cyrious

                    IMPORTANT NOTE: these should be an EXACT match of how you see them in Cyrious. 

                b. Column B enter in all of the Customer Types found in CoreBridge next to the correlating match in Cyrious

                    IMPORTANT NOTE: these should be an EXACT match of how you see them in CoreBidge

        4. On the last tab, fill out the information for your Customer Origins 

                a. Column A enter in all of the Customer Origins found in Cyrious

                    IMPORTANT NOTE: these should be an EXACT match of how you see them in Cyrious. 

                b. Column B enter in all of the Customer Origins found in CoreBridge next to the correlating match in Cyrious

                    IMPORTANT NOTE: these should be an EXACT match of how you see them in CoreBidge

        5. Save the file as an .xlsx file then continue onto preparing for the import below. 

Preparing the Customer List for Import into CoreBridge

After you have successfully created the file, you should upload it along with your Customer Data file to

https://corebridge.sharefile.com/r-re14f7711a37f4c1089f36f3f692f3a18. Our team will extract the information to prepare it for import into CoreBridge.

Import Assistance

If you require any assistance with formatting the file, please reach out to our support department by emailing [email protected]