The Reports Module gives you a variety of ways to review your data in real-time. There are five tabs that divide the reports into specific categories:  Company/Financial, Customers/Receivables, Sales, Production, and Franchise.

Within these tabs, there are four ways to see your reports:  Summary, Detail, Drilldown, and Export.

  • (A) Summary Reports generate your lump sum totals.
  • (B) Detailed Reports give you additional information, such as invoice numbers.
  • (C) Drill Down Reports give you the option to show or hide information as needed by clicking on the plus or minus buttons to the left. 
  • (D) The Export button, found on a few commonly used reports, formats the information you need into a single line, making it easier to import into spreadsheets.

Once you’ve opened a report, notice that you’re able to customize the data that you want to review. For example, you can change the date, include costs, add another location, and click view report. When you have the information that you need, you can save a copy by clicking on the Export button and selecting the file format that you want.  Once the file has downloaded, it’s ready to print or email.

In CoreBridge, data is reported in real-time, but the Royalty Report has to go through a batching process—which is completed at night—making it available for you the next day.