Estimates can be customized on a global level by navigating to Management Module > Customers > Statements > Estimate. On this page, you can add customized messages and information to the Estimates your customers receive by entering text in the boxes below.

Customizing Estimates:

(A) Select Template: Select which template version you prefer. Below is a breakdown of Estimate layouts with some pictures and descriptions of how they differ from each other.

  • Estimate v1 Standard Estimate Template
  • Estimate v2 - Similar to v1 but sections are bold in color. The Created Date is also added.
  • Estimate v1 (fr-CA) - v1 template in French for systems located in Canada. 
  • Estimate v1 (es-LM) - v1 template in Spanish for systems in Latin America. 
  • Estimate with Tax Details - this shows the specific Tax Agencies on the Estimate. 
  • Estimate with Line Item Taxes - this shows the taxes related to each product on the invoice. 
  • Estimate with Line Item VAT - For centers that use VAT taxes, which are typically related to Australian and Canadian centers. This template also allows for the logo to be enlarged and displayed at the center of the report header.
  • Estimate with Tax Details (DO) - This is related to English-speaking systems operating in the Dominican Republic. 
  • Estimate with Tax Details (es-DO) - Is related to Spanish speaking systems operating in the Dominican Republic. 
  • Estimate (Large Logo) - This allows for the logo to be enlarged on the Estimate, though some of the header information does not show. 

(B) Address location: Set your address to display in either the header or the footer of the Estimate.

(C) Display Name: Customize the name displayed in the top-right of the header.

(D) Shipping Label: Customize the label shown for shipping amounts entered during step 3 of order entry.

(E) Custom Text 1: Custom Text Field that shows to the left of totals. 

(F) Custom Text 2: Custom Text field that displays centered, under totals. 

(G) Footer Custom Text 1: Custom Footer Text.

(H) Footer Custom Text 2: Custom Footer Text.

(I) Default Display Options: Click here to select the default print settings for your Estimates.

(J) Click Save Estimate Settings to Save changes.