Part Groups are used to assign common pricing settings across all Parts that are within that Group. This allows you to quickly update some Part information on a number of Parts all at once.

To view the Part Group settings, navigate to Management Module > Parts > Manage > click on a Part Name. 

This article covers the following topics:

For information on the Pricing Tiers Tab, please refer to Market-Based Pricing Tiers for Parts and Cost-Plus Pricing Tiers for Parts articles.

The tabs listed below relate to the default group settings that this Part will inherit.

General Tab

These are the General Pricing settings for all Parts in a Group. Remember, Settings and Fees will be applied to all Parts in this Group.

Areas of the General Tab:

  • (A) Unit of measurement for all Parts in this Group.
  • (B) Pricing Template assigned to the Parts in the Group.
  • (C) One-time setup fee
  • (D) Per Quantity Setup Fee is applied per Part Quantity and is added to the One-Time-Setup fee if it is not a double-sided Part. 
  • (E) Current Income and Cost of Goods Accounts assigned to this part group. You can change these accounts by selecting a new account from the dropdown menu if needed.
  • (F) Is Part Taxable. Select Yes or No to indicate if all Parts in this group are taxable. This can be overridden on an order, estimate, or customer level.
  • (G) Is Part Double Sided. Click Yes if all Parts in this group can be double-sided. Click No if they cannot be double-sided.
    • If your Part is priced using Market-Based Pricing, enter the percent of Part Retail you wish to charge.
    • If you are using Cost-Plus Pricing, second side costs are automatically calculated by adding an additional machine, disposable, and labor costs incurred. This will automatically increase the price for the second side, and typically no further adjustment is needed.

    • Add a one-time double-sided setup fee and/or a per quantity setup fee.

Due Dates Tab

Here you can specify the default number of days for different Part production processes to be completed. Note: You can customize Due Dates during order entry.

Setting Due Dates:

  1. Enter a Standard # of days for Design.
  2. Enter a Standard # of days for Production
  3. Enter any Additional # of days
  4. Click Save Due Dates.

When determining Due Dates for Orders, the system will use the number entered for Standard # of days for Design. The Product due date will be calculated by adding the Standard # of days for Production and Additional # of days to the Design Due Date.  

Proof Approval Due Dates:

This setting allows you to automatically push the product due date when the proof is approved. This feature is dis-abled by default. The setting is found here: Management Module > Global Settings > Ordering > Due Dates.

Enabling this option will automatically recalculate the product’s due date (based on part lead times) when the status changes to PROOF APPROVED:

  • Products with hard due dates are excluded from the date recalculation.
  • If the order has a hard due date, then the product due date will not update beyond the order’s hard due date.
  • If the order does not have a hard due date and the new product due date will be greater than the existing order due date, then the order due date will also be pushed out.
  • If the proof is approved before the proof due date, it will not update the amount of time set for the product due date.

Details Tab

Areas of the Details Tab:

  • (A) Part Description:  Standard information for this Part and can be applied to all Parts(if any) within the same Group. Click Save Description when you're done.
    NOTE:  The description entered here is for internal use only and will be available during order entry and on digital work orders.
  • (B) Part Image:  The image uploaded will be common for all parts within this group, if applicable.
    NOTE:  This image is for internal use only and will be available during order entry and on digital work orders.
  • (C) Part Colors:  Enables a drop-down during order entry where the user can select the color of this specific part. Users will only be able to select one color. This should be used to select the color of the actual part, not any image or design colors. Click Manage Available Colors to set color options for all parts using this feature.
  • (D) Click Associate Colors to Part to assign specific color selections for this part or part group only.
     NOTE:  Setting Part Colors will not affect price or inventory.
  • (E) Labor Levels:  Here you can manage labor cost the which are above and beyond your standard labor. You can set up multiple levels of labor depending on the part. Example:  "Simple," "Moderate," "Complex," are labels that might be used. This feature will affect Part Cost only when using Market-Based Pricing. It will affect Part Cost and Retail Price when using Cost-Plus Pricing. These costs will be tracked in the pricing information area of any order and listed under Part Labor.
    NOTE:  This feature should only be used on labor-intensive parts.


Categories Tab

Assigning Categories to a Part will help users find a Part in both the Management and Sales Modules.

NOTE:  When assigning a category to a Part, remember that all Parts within that Group will receive the same categorization. A Part can belong to multiple Categories.

Click on Assign Part to Categories to assign or edit Categories for this Part.

NOTE:  To create new Categories, click the Part Search button above, then click the + Manage Categories link inside the header.

Machines Tab

Here you can add or update production Machines used on this Part or Part Group. Associating machines is important for tracking machine costs, machine labor, and disposable costs. It also allows you to filter products by machine in the queues.

    IMPORTANT:  If you do not associate machines here, you won't be able to do it during order entry.

Associating a Machine:

  1. Click on Associate Machines to This Part.

  2. Select any Machine that would be used to produce this Part or any Part within this Group if applicable.
       NOTE:  You may select multiple machines as necessary during order entry.
  3. Click Update.

Modifier Tab

Here you can associate the most commonly used Modifiers to this Part or Part Group. By selecting Modifiers now, they will be available automatically when salespeople are entering orders.

NOTE:  Unlike Machines, Modifiers can be added to a Part as needed during order entry.

Associating Modifiers:

  1. Click +Associate Modifiers to This Part.

  2. Select the Modifiers you want for this Part.
  3. Click Update.

Options Tab

Here you can add Size-Based Discounts to your Part, based on the size of each item or the total of all items. The Options Tab is only available for Parts and Part Groups that are priced by size.

NOTE:  These discounts are applied after all other pricing calculations are complete—including any quantity or tier discounts—so it is important to be certain of these numbers.

Using Size-Based Discounts:

  1. Enter the discount percentage and your starting sq. ft. 
  2. Click Add.
  3. Remember to select whether the discount applies to the size of each item or the size of all items.
  4. Repeat as needed to add multiple discount levels.
  5. Click Save Discounts.

When using multiple levels of discounts, checking the Interpolation box will spread the discount evenly across each level. This means that for each additional sq. ft., a small discount percentage will be added.

Ex:  If a customer orders 100 sq. ft. of this part but the next discount is set at 125 sq. ft., the customer will still receive an incremental discount without purchasing the additional 25 sq. ft.