This article covers the steps to import your Order History from shopVOX into CoreBridge.
Exporting your shopVOX Order History Data
Once you are ready to have your customers and contacts imported please complete the following steps.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You should not complete these steps until you have all of your orders in a CLOSED status, as we can only import closed orders.
- All users must save their work and close out shopVOX
- Log into shopVOX and navigate to the top blue bar that says "TRANSACTIONS"
- On the dropdown click "INVOICES"
- Click the GEAR icon (in the left corner of the screen) and make sure only the following fields are marked as visible
- IN#
- Customer
- Title
- State
- Total
- Primary Contact
- Primary Contact Email
- Primary Contact Phone
- Closed Date
- Click the "ACTION" arrow (next to New Invoice)
- Click Export to CSV
- A pop-up will load on your computer for you to save the file; once this appears change the name to your center name - invoices
(Example: mycoolbusiness-invoices) and press SAVE - After you have successfully exported the file you should upload it to https://corebridge.sharefile.com. Our team will extract the order history data to prepare it for import into CoreBridge.
How will my shopVOX Order History Data Look in CoreBridge?
Please see this article for an overview.
Import Assistance
If you require any assistance please reach out to our support department by emailing [email protected].