TaxJar is the leading technology solution for busy eCommerce sellers to manage sales tax, and is trusted by more than 15,000 businesses.

The CoreBridge TaxJar integration calculates sales tax based on:

  • Origination Address
  • Destination Address
  • Sale Amount
  • Sales Tax Nexus
  • Taxability Code

Every Order in your CoreBridge system will send information to TaxJar in order to calculate sales tax.  The resulting sales tax details are returned to CoreBridge and applied to the order.

This article covers the following topics:

Benefits of Integrating with TaxJar

  • There is no longer any need to create, update, or assign Tax Agencies or Groups.
  • Easy tax compliance for centers with nexus in multiple states.
  • Easy tax compliance for states that require local taxes to be levied on out-of-state orders.

Signup and Activation

In order to integrate with TaxJar, you will need to have the Destinations Feature enabled and send an email to [email protected] with the subject line of "Request for TaxJar Integration." Please include your name and CoreBridge URL in this email.

CoreBridge / TaxJar Integration Setup

Once the CoreBridge TaxJar integration has been enabled in your system, there are a handful of configuration settings that need to be setup and/or reviewed by you:

  1. Sales Tax Nexus
  2. Default Taxability Code
  3. Billing Item Taxability Codes
  4. Customers
  5. Orders
  6. Tax Groups & Tax Agencies
  7. Localization (Enforce Address Validation)

1. Sales Tax Nexus

What is Sales Tax Nexus?

Sales tax nexus is a broad and evolving concept.  We recommend that you work with a tax law professional to research the specifics.

Sales tax nexus is the connection between a seller and a state or jurisdiction that requires the seller to collect and remit tax on sales made in that state or jurisdiction.  Nexus related laws vary widely by state and jurisdiction.

Sales tax nexus is broken up into two broad categories, physical and economic:

  • Physical nexus can be established in several ways.  The most common example is having a physical storefront.  Such a physical presence is enough to require tax collection in that state and/or jurisdiction.
  • Economic nexus legislation generally requires an out-of-state retailer to collect and remit sales tax once the retailer meets a set level of sales transactions or gross receipts activity (a threshold) within the state. No physical presence is required.

Nexus is managed independently for each Location in your system.  If you have multiple Locations, you must setup Nexus for each.  Go to Management Module > Locations > Nexus to review, edit, add and delete both physical and economic nexus.

Note: When TaxJar integration is enabled in your CoreBridge system, a Physical Nexus is automatically entered for each of your CoreBridge locations.

2. Default Taxability Code

Your default taxability code can be defined here: Management Module > Global Settings > Services > TaxJar Tax Codes.  We recommend keeping the default setting of “Goods”.

3. Billing Item Taxability Codes

Billing items refers to Parts, Modifiers, Machines, Product Setup Fees and Order Fees in your system.

Fortunately there is not a lot of work to do here.  Modifiers and Machines will simply take on the settings of the Part they are associated with.  This means you only need to define taxability codes for Parts and/or Part Groups, Product Setup Fees, and Order Fees.

For each of these three billing items, you will see a new drop-down option called “Tax Jar Code”, related to taxability.  You need to choose the appropriate taxability type for each Part or Part Group in your system.

4. Customers

No setup is needed for Customers.  Customers will automatically use a system tax group called “TaxJar Tax Group”.

5. Orders

No setup is needed at the order level.  Orders will automatically use the CoreBridge TaxJar integration when calculating taxes.

6. Tax Groups & Tax Agencies

No setup is needed in regards to Tax Groups or Tax Agencies.  Once the TaxJar integration is enabled, all legacy TaxGroups and TaxAgencies will no longer be editable.  They are viewable but cannot be modified.  CoreBridge will now utilize a single system tax group called “TaxJar Tax Group” for calculating and tracking sales tax.

7. Localization (Enforce Address Validation)

In order for TaxJar to calculate taxes a formatted address is required since a formatted Origination and Destination address are needed to lookup the sales tax rate. Please ensure this setting is enabled in the following screen:

  • Navigate to the Management Module > Global Settings > System Settings > Localization screen.
  • Under Address Validation, select "Enforce Address Validation" and put a check in "Include United States".
  • Ensure the Default is set to "United States". 

Note: Allow Free-Form Entry should not be utilized as it will result in TaxJar failing to perform a sales tax rate lookup.

How TaxJar Tax Calculation Works

When utilizing TaxJar Tax Calculation, taxes aren't calculated until an order or estimate has been saved. While the order or estimate is in edit mode, the tax calculation will display as TBD.

Each time an order has been saved or it's corresponding destinations have been updated, TaxJar will calculate the tax based on the following values:

  1. The origination address for the order (the Sales Center for the Order)
  2. The destination address of each billing item on the order.
  3. The taxability code of each billing item on the order.
  4. The customer's tax-exempt status.

TaxJar will update the sales tax every time the order is edited and saved. 

When utilizing TaxJar, it is necessary to check on your Sales Tax Liability through the TaxJar Tax Liability Report, rather than the Sales Tax Liability Report in the CoreBridge Reports Module.

Other Integrations


The Destinations integration is required in order to utilize TaxJar, as TaxJar utilizes the order's destination address in order to determine Nexus. If you don't yet have Destinations enabled in your system and you'd like to enable TaxJar, you will need to reach out to [email protected] to enable that functionality first.


The CoreBridge TaxJar integration works fluently with the CoreBridge Ecommerce integration.  CoreBridge Ecommerce will use your system’s TaxJar configuration in order to calculate taxes for your Ecommerce sales.  Other Ecommerce integrations like Pressero cannot integrate directly with the CoreBridge TaxJar integration.  They will still work but will continue to calculate taxes in the legacy format.


The CoreBridge TaxJar integration plays nicely with our Accounting integrations.  However, there are limitations.  In most circumstances, you must utilize the Lump Sync.  The Full Sync is still supported for Desktop versions of QuickBooks.

In all circumstances, you must Lump Tax Agencies.  For Desktop Full Sync, you must utilize Line Item Taxes.

For more details on these provisions, please refer to this article: [Article]


The XPS integration is unaffected by the TaxJar integration and will continue working without any needed adjustments.


If you have any questions about how TaxJar works within your system, please email [email protected]. No contact with TaxJar is required for support.