Review Other Payments
A payment type of Check should represent an actual physical check that can be brought to the bank. Even if you use remote check deposit by scanning or taking a picture of a check, the payment type should still be "Check" since you were given an actual check.
- Total all checks
- Enter the value in Actual Counted: Total $
- If difference = 0 there is nothing else to do.
- If there is a difference, close the reconciliation, fix the problem, then start a new reconciliation.
- Determine the total of all EFT payments from source documents.
- Enter the value in Actual Counted: Total $
- If difference = 0 there is nothing else to do.
- If there is a difference, close the reconciliation, fix the problem, then start a new reconciliation.
Credit Cards
A payment type of Credit Card should represent a payment processed through a credit card processor.
- Determine the total of all credit card payments from source documents.
- Enter the value in Actual Counted: Total $
- If difference = 0 there is nothing else to do.
- If there is a difference, close the reconciliation, fix the problem, then start a new reconciliation.
A payment type of Other should represent a payment that doesn't fit the other categories. (e.g. clearinghouse, barter)
- Determine the total of Other payments from source documents.
- Enter the value in Actual Counted: Total $
- If difference = 0 there is nothing else to do.
- If there is a difference, close the reconciliation, fix the problem, then start a new reconciliation.
A Refund can be any payment type.
- Click the link under # Payments
- A new window will appear showing the refunds entered by users.
- Review each refund to determine if it is valid.
- If there is a refund that is not valid, close the reconciliation, fix the problem, then start a new reconciliation.
- If all refunds are valid, close the transaction window then enter the value from Amount in Actual Counted: Total $
Review In-Store Credit, Bad Debt, and Voided Order Transactions
These three sections don't require an entry. They are for review only.
In-Store Credit
This section displays In-Store Credit activity.
- Manual addition of credit
- Manual reduction of credit
- Refunds to in-store credit
- Refunds from prior credit given
Bad Debt
This section displays Bad Debt payment activity.
Voided Orders
This section displays orders that have been voided.
- If you need to open a voided order that must be done outside of the Reconciliation window.
Next Steps:
Understanding Financial Information on the Reconciliation