Surcharging allows you to add a credit card surcharge to a credit card transaction that is paid by your customer to help offset your credit card processing fees. CoreBridge allows for credit card surcharging through Fiserv (formerly Clover Connect). Businesses interested in utilizing this feature will need to have this enabled on their Fiserv account. This option is only available for US merchant accounts. For multiple location centers, owners will need to enable surcharging for each unique Merchant Identification Number (MID) and CoreBridge location. Please reach out to Fiserv to find out if this feature is available in your area.
Note: Credit card surcharges are currently only available for our v2 platform.
This article covers the following topics:
- Enabling Credit Card Surcharges
- Customizing The Fee Disclaimer
- Surcharge Visibility in CoreBridge
- Additional Resources
Enabling Credit Card Surcharges
To begin enabling surcharges in your system, you will need to reach out to Fiserv. They will work with you directly to enable surcharging for your MID(s). The surcharge % displayed within CoreBridge is determined by the rate negotiated with Fiserv.
Once surcharging has been enabled on your account, you must enable and verify within CoreBridge for each location.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When adding a surcharge to your account, please be aware that it will not take effect until the beginning of the following month.
1. Navigate to Management Module > Global Settings > Services.
2. Click on Manage Settings for Fiserv.
3. Click the Get MID Info button.
Note: If successful, information will display confirming the fee has been enabled. It will also show the percentage of the surcharge, confirm the MID, and note the date last updated.
Note: If changes are made to your contract with Fiserv, you will need to repeat the above process to update the settings in CoreBridge.
Customizing The Fee Disclaimer
Within your system, you have the ability to customize the Fee Disclaimer.
1. Navigate to Management Module > Global Settings > Services
2. Click on Manage Settings for Fiserv.
3. Click the Surcharge Disclaimer button and customize the text as needed.
Note: Fee Disclaimers are customizable for each Location.
Surcharge Visibility in CoreBridge
A warning modal displaying the Fee Disclaimer will appear when entering a Credit Card (online) payment. This warning will display in both the Management System and the Customer Portal when Credit Card (online) is selected.
Note: Per your merchant disclosure agreement with Fiserv, you are responsible for creating and displaying clear and prominent disclosure of the surcharge rate so cardholders know that surcharge applies when they pay by credit card.
To proceed with the payment, click Ok or close the Fee Disclaimer modal.
To edit or customize the Fee Disclaimer, please see above.
IMPORTANT NOTE: An address and zip code must be entered before the payment with the attached surcharge can be processed. Failure to do so will result in an error and the payment will not be captured.
Surcharges are visible on an Estimate in two different ways for full pricing transparency with your customers.
In the Order View Page, a hover modal will open up when the cursor is held over the total price. This modal clearly shows the percentage of the credit card fee, as well as the dollar amount of the fee for that particular Estimate.
Additionally, Estimate Reports include credit card surcharge fees beneath the Estimate totals.
Surcharges are visible on Orders in multiple places for full pricing transparency with your customers.
When hovering over the Total, a modal will appear that clearly shows the percentage of the credit card fee, as well as the dollar amount of the fee for that particular Order. When the cursor is hovered over the Balance Due, a similar modal appears showing the percentage of the credit card fee, as well as the dollar amount that the fee contributes to the remaining balance.
Additional surcharge information can be seen in the payment history screen found by navigating to Order View > View Payment History. The fee amount will be displayed in green for historical transactions that included a fee.
Invoice Reports also show both the percentage on the surcharge as well as the balance due with the surcharge included. This is information is located just below the Order totals.
Customer Portal
Before making a payment through the Customer Portal, the system will alert the customer to the Surcharge fee on a credit card payment.
Under Payment and Invoice Options in the top right section of the Customer Invoice there is an option to pay by Credit Card.
IMPORTANT NOTE: An address and zip code must be entered before the payment with the attached surcharge can be processed. Failure to do so will result in an error and the payment will not be captured.
When this is clicked, a pop-up showing the surcharge disclaimer will appear. Customers must acknowledge this by clicking on the Ok button in order to proceed with their payment. Once the customer has clicked on Ok, they will be prompted to enter in their credit card information and submit payment. For more information on payments, please see Entering a Payment.
Additional Resources
Fiserv Merchant Surcharge Program