With the addition of the Purchasing Module to your CoreBridge package, you're able to create and manage Purchase Orders within your CoreBridge system.

  The Purchasing Module is not included in all CoreBridge packages. For more information on adding this to your CoreBridge subscription, please contact [email protected].

This article will cover the following topics:

Setting your PO Prefix

Your PO prefix will appear before every purchase order number. It helps to quickly identify it as a purchase order. For example PO.  

You can customize the prefix of your purchase order in Management Module > Global Settings > Locations > select location.  

  • If you have multiple locations, we suggest you use a different prefix for each location. This will also help to quickly identify which sales center it belongs to. For example P-NY.  
  • Your set prefix will also factor into the length of your invoice number. There is an 11-character limit for invoice numbers.

Information regarding prefixes can also be found in:  Setting Prefixes for Estimates // Invoices // POs


Creating a Vendor Purchase Order from the Order View Page

By creating a Purchase Order from an order, the purchase/vendor details will be linked to the order. The purchase order is given the same numeral as the order, with the prefix specifying it as a purchase order. For instance, if you create a purchase order within Invoice 169 (INV-169), your purchase order would be PO-169.  

Step for Creating Purchase Orders:

  1. First, create an order as you normally would within your CoreBridge system. You will be directed to the Order View screen
  2. On the Order view screen, select the tab Vendor Purchase Order, and click +Create Vendor Purchase Order.

  3. A window will open listing ALL products and parts as you have entered on the order. Select entire products or parts within a product that you wish to include in the purchase order, then click Next.

  4. The Create Purchase Order screen will open where you can enter the details of the purchase order. 
  5. Vendor:  Type in the Vendor name, click the magnifying glass to search your Vendors, or click the + button to add a new Vendor to your system.
  6. Location:  If you have multiple locations in your CoreBridge system, select from the drop down menu.
  7. Drop Ship this Purchase Order:  By checking this box, you will have the option to select an alternate shipping address. By default, the Ship To address will be your location address as entered in the Management Module.
  8. PO Description:  Enter a description for this purchase order.
  9. To Arrive On:  Select the date on which you want the products from your vendor to arrive.
  10. Freight:  Enter Freight amount, if you do not know the amount, enter 0.00
  11. Notes to Appear on Purchase Order:  Enter any additional notes you wish to appear on the purchase order.
  12. Items:  This area will display the products or parts you selected to be included on the purchase order. Adjust or enter additional information as needed.
    • (A) + Add New:  Select here to add additional parts that are not included on the original order.
    • (B) + Add Custom:  By selecting here, an additional item line will appear for you to manually enter the part information.
    • (C) Click the red X to remove the item from the purchase order.
  13. Save: Click here create the purchase order. Your purchase order will receive the same number as the Order.

Creating a Purchase Order from the Purchasing Module

You can also create a purchase order directly in the Purchasing Module.

  1. Navigate to Purchasing Module > Purchase Orders > Create New.

  2. The Create Purchase Order screen will open where you can enter the details of the purchase order.
  3. Vendor:  Type in the Vendor name, click the magnifying glass to search your Vendors, or click the + button to add a new Vendor to your system. Once the vendor is selected, you can select the Vendor contact from the drop down menu.
  4. Location:  If you have multiple locations in your CoreBridge system, select from the drop down menu.
  5. Drop Ship this Purchase Order:  By checking this box, you will have the option to select an alternate shipping address.  By default, the Ship To address will be your location address as entered in the Management Module.
  6. PO Description:  Enter a description for this purchase order.
  7. To Arrive On:  Select the date on which you want the products from your vendor to arrive.
  8. Freight:  Enter Freight amount.
  9. Notes to appear on Purchase Order:  Enter any additional notes you wish to appear on the purchase order.
  10.  Items:  This area will display the items as you add them to the purchase order.  
    • (A) + Add New:  Select here to add items to the purchase order. A modal will open. Select a Part Category to refine your part selection and/or select the part from the Part drop down. You can also type the part name in the Enter Part text box, and the system will pull up parts which meet the typed criteria. If you have associated a vendor to the selected part, the system will automatically fill the Vendor Part Number, Description & Rate, as you entered in the Management Module > Parts. Information on how to associate a vendor to a part can be found in Associating Vendors to Parts.
    • (B) + Add Custom:  Select this to add parts not created as parts in your CoreBridge system. Enter the Vendor Part Number, Description, Qty, Rate and COGS Account.
    • (C) Click the red X to remove the item from the purchase order.
  11. Click Save.

View / Edit a Purchase Order

  1.  Navigate to Purchasing Module > Purchase Orders > Search

  2. Here you can see a list of all purchase orders created in your system.  
    • (A) Use the Search box to filter the results.
    • (B) Select from the Status drop-down to filter by status. Statuses can be used to manage the purchase order items.  

  3. Click on the purchase order number to navigate directly to the Purchase order.
  4. Click on the Vendor name to navigate to the vendor information page, where you can update vendor information and vendor contact information.

  5. Click the green + button to expand the purchase order, and see additional options.
    • (A) View PO:  Click here to view the purchase order including Line Items, Order Contact, Address Info, and Order History.
    • (B) Edit PO:  Here you can review the Create Purchase Order screen and make any necessary updates to the purchase order. Be sure to click Save when complete.
    • (C) Clone PO:  Click here to create a duplicate copy of the Purchase Order.
    • (D) Print PO:  Click here to print the Purchase Order.
    • (E) Email PO:  Click here to email the Purchase Order. By default, the purchase order will be attached and addressed to the Vendor contact.  

Updating Purchase Order Statuses


  1. Navigate to Purchasing Module
  2. Purchase Orders
  3. Search
  4. Click the arrow icon to drill down in detail.  
  5. Click the drop-down Status  

  • (A) Not Assigned: This is when a PO is not assigned directly to an estimate or order.
  • (B) Assigned: This is when a PO is associated directly with an order.
  • (C) Feedback Sent: This is when you have heard from the vendor and are waiting for shipment or for other
  • (D) Completed: This is when a PO is completed.
  • (E) Voided: Void is when a PO is voided from the order or your system.